Natsuki Quotes (Doki Doki Literature Club)

Bruh I've been trying to find quotes from DDLC but I can't find ANYTHINGGG, so I'll make my own list c:
This list won't include poems! 

 Natsuki Quotes

♡ "Seriously? Who brought a boy?"

♡ "What are you looking at? If you want to say something, say it."

♡ "W-Why are you thanking me? It's not like I...!
...Made them for you or anything."

♡ "Ugh, I hate horror..."

♡ "I'm not cute!!"

♡ "If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would be super pissed."

♡ "Manga is literature!!"

(To Yuri) I wasn't the one whose boobs magically grew a size bigger as soon as (MC) started showing up!!" 

♡ "Well everyone has their own opinion.
But my opinion is the best opinion. I'm sure you've figured that out already."

 ♡ "I am so done with you."

 ♡ "Take your stupid poem. If you wrote it for someone else, just don't show it to me!"

♡ "Well, even if you don't know how to bake, there's always some dirty work I could give to you."

  "Do you really hate us that much?"

"You better bet that my cupcakes are going to be the best part of the whole event!"

♡ "fucking monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

 ♡ "She never puts my stuff back in the right spot!
What's the point in keeping your collection organized if someone else is just gonna mess it up?"

 ♡ "Seeing a box set with one book missing is probably the most irritating sight in the world."

 ♡ "don't judge a bookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkk kk 
k           k          k        k        k'"

 ♡ "Like I could ever get my friends to read this...
They just think manga is for kids.
I can't even bring it up without them being all like...
"Eh? You still haven't grown out of that yet?"
Makes me want to punch them in the face..."

 ♡ "I mean, I feel like I can't even keep it in my own room...
My dad would beat the shit out of me if he found this."

 ♡ (Arguing with Yuri) "Whoa, be careful or you might cut yourself on that edge, Yuri.
Oh, my bad... You already do, don't you?"

♡ (Next day after the argument) "Whatever's on your mind, I'm sure it was nothing.
I don't even remember anything bad happening.
You're the kind of person who worried too much about the little things, aren't you?"

 ♡ "Why didn't you come read with me today?
 I was waiting for you.
 I was waiting for a long time.
It was the only thing I had to look forward to today.
Why did you ruin it?
 Do you like Yuri more?
I think you're better off not associating with her.
Are you listening to me?

Yuri is a sick freak.
That should be obvious by now.
So just play with me instead.
You don't hate me, do you?
 Do you hate me?
Do you want to make me go home crying?
 The club is the only place I feel safe.
Don't ruin that for me.
Don't ruin it.
 Just stop talking to Yuri.
Play with me instead.
It's all I have...
Play with me.

 ♡ "I changed my mind.
Ignore everything you just read.
There's no point in trying to do anything.
It's Yuri's own fault that she's so unlikable.
Can you hear me?
If you would just spend more time with Monika, all these problems would go away.
Yuri and I are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you.
Just think of Monika from now on.
Just Monika.
Just Monika.
Just Monika."

 ♡ (To Yuri) "All you care about now is dragging MC around with you and your stupid books."

 ♡ "Alright, it's festival time!
Wow, you got here before me?
I thought I was pretty ear-"
*sees Yuri's corpse*

(monika.chr deleted)
♡ "So you're the MC that Sayori's always talking about?"


That's probably not all of Natsuki's quotes but I'll work on it! ;v;
If my list is of any use to you please do leave a comment! ^^
It took quite a bit of time but hopefully I was able to help someone in need of a quote -v-
